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Welcome to the 2025 beaks!

Last updated: 9th March 2025

I've set up a scheme to get the right lighting and exposure for the cameras, but it will probaby take some fettling to get it right.

The Beaks are not coming in so much at the moment - presumably feeding themselves up for the work to come. Mrs. B sometimes spends the night in the box if it's windy out.

Known issues:

The visiting beaks

Curated highlights of the beak visits this year. The latest videos are at the top.


Mrs. B wakes up briefly, has a little look around and goes back to sleep with her head under her wing.


The new camera captures a beak for the first time. It looks a little less anaemic with a non-IR camera.


Just a short clip, but you can hear them cheeping to each other. So cute!


Now with sound! The beaks come in for another look around


The first beaks in the box! The picture quality is terrible, but we have beaks! A pair of Blue Tits hop in for a nosey.

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